Archive for the ‘Poeom’ Category

Author Ian T. Sebàs takes us on a journey of his penmanship, starting from his birthplace in Kingston, Jamaica and into its violent capitals, where police raids, deaths and shooting were the norm, the effects of Jamaica’s dancehall and entertainers, his early education and the reason he began writing.

In this interview, Sebàs combed over his affiliation with music and his migration to the troublesome, crime-filled inner-city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the United States of America before journeying to the southern state of South Carolina, where he first ambitioned to become a published poet, and his association with the US Library of Congress, the ink trail of his writing’s passage, which led to Birmingham, England, where his publishing ambition experienced a series of pushbacks and diversions before reaching its success.

Learn about his first official publication, which interestingly was not a book, his current role as a Publisher and whether writing has made him wealthy.

“Writing is my everything” says the Author in this 30-minute interview “Writing is a powerful instrument.”

Fascinatingly, Ian T. Sebàs is not a fan of eWriters nor ePublishers, and despite seeing logics in the invention of eBooks, the author blames the technology for the invasion of fake authors and publishers.

While telling us about his favourite topic in writing, his favourite book, his bestselling novel and the inspirations behind some of his titles, he also elaborated on the cover of Coal in the Snow, another one of his books, and its transparent definition to his life in Switzerland.

Taking pride and full accreditation in being a role model, who broke the stereotyped expectations of inner-city children, who are born in slums of the world, which offer narrow to no escape from poverty, violence, early deaths and incarceration, Ian T. Sebàs explains the power of rebirth held by his adapted name and the significance of a changed life which it also represents.