Archive for the ‘Books’ Category

Coming Soon: N.E.R.D – “A conclusion of my personal research and studies of a singular biological existence with dual but contrasting traits, which I uniquely coined ‘NERD’.”
– Ian T. Sebàs –

Genre: Romance / Erotica

This book is intended for adult readers 18+, and contains some sexual and explicit expressions for the purposes of entertainment and education.

Prologue: Peak inside one woman’s intimate moment as she experience, for the first time, a watering gush from her closeted and flowery outlet. Learn how she achieved this tantalizing phenomenon and be blown away simultaneously, with her, by the platform and means which made it possible. “It’s a wet one!” 

More info and read link.

“What is life?” That was the title which I gave my very first manuscript. 

Somewhere between 1990 and 1991, I selected thirty or more poems that I had written and called the collection, “What is life?”, mainly because one of the poems had the same title and I thought that it was most fitting, considering that all of my poems were written from my emotions and experiences. Plus it was a time when I asked many questions regarding my existence and purpose.

It was a time when the latest technology was a floppy disc, expensive and out of ownership reach to the likes of me; after all, a floppy disc was useless without having access to a personal computer. I knew all of that because I was in college at the time, and my Data Entry class had exposed me to both. 

So, my first manuscript was drafted on a typewriter, an electric one too; back then, that was considered to be fancy; an upgrade from pens and notebooks. 

And with that, I went through ribbons after ribbons, and paper after paper to acquire “What is life?”, a bulky compilation of 8.5 x 11s held together by the only staples that could bind thirty pages or more.

For all of you who are not following with the term ‘ribbon’, just Google “typewriter ribbons” and you’ll be in the loop.

Copyrighted but not published, “What is life?” is, hopefully,  still in the archives of The Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., USA.  

Copyrighting your work was a total different procedure back then. I had to have each poem signed and stamped by a Notary Public, who charged a dollar per stamp, and then The library of Congress charged twenty-five dollars for their service, plus to send it via Registered Mail was approximately five dollars or somewhere about there. 

All in all, to secure copyright  for “What is life?” cost me approximately sixty dollars in 1992.

Since then, I have moved a ridiculous amount of times, delightfully learning about the world and countries therein, and unfortunately, due to obvious reasons, I no longer have a physical copy of “What is life?”.

But my writing did not start or ended with “What is life?” as a matter of fact, I have never stopped writing. I have started and stopped doing many things in my life, except for writing.  I am a Writer, that’s what I am and that’s what I do. I do not know if I chose writing or writing chose me, but I can’t stop writing.

I heard about a breed of sharks that are designed by nature to never stop swimming, and  similarly to them, I think that I was born to never stop writing.

I have written 20+ books, hundreds, if not thousands of poems, plus uncountable original quotes. 

Quotes, which brought me to write this blog.

Like poems, I can write an original quote in less that five minutes. Usually, I receive an inspiration from life, a behavior, a dream or a mood, and that is all the trigger I need. 

After that, I give it thought and the words just flow. I tend to title my quotes based on what they mean to me, and after writing thousands of quotes, my latest quote suited no other name than “What is life?”.  Without any thoughts of my original “What is life?” I had an inspirational trigger that sparked a six-word quote, and almost immediately after writing it, I realized that it is also the answer for my original title question, “What is Life?”

I cannot recall the verses of my original “What is life?”, but I am almost certain that it started with the question, sandwiched with curiosities, maybe some rants and ended with the same question of “What is life?”, because I didn’t know the answer then. Today I do. 

© Ian T. Sebàs 2023

Click here to access free copy of this book.

I am book, and you, authors

My pages, stages for chapters

Write in me, your original story

Ink grim, dim, triumph and glory


But make it count

Big, small, any amount

Asterisk each moment

Every story, an event


Else chapters get forgotten

As if nothing ever happened

Wasted page

Means wasted days


No rewrites, no corrections

No insights, just projections

Where actions are words

And deeds are verbs


Pages are limited

Nothing’s restricted

Your story is what you write

As I am your book of life.

© Ian T. Sebàs 2023


Explore layers of sexual intercourse and the three principals, who rule your fate when trying to find satisfaction with your genitals.

Scale the fences of sexual complicated hinderances and learn how to manage premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction, all while being introduced to the coined ‘stubbornly mature ejaculation’, sexually dissatisfied women, and never-before-told responsibilities, which they must bear.

Pages: 11 (entirety)

Chapters: 2

Genre: Self-help; educational purpose.

Warning: This book is strictly for adults and is of a mature nature with sexual references and the use of some vulgar words. Readers must be 18+.

Politics, tricks, deprivation of rights and the revocation of a privilege, Jamaica Coke Rush challenges the subject of a country’s independence, the purpose of its Head of State and the scrutiny of foreign subjects versus nationals when the power of government is exchanged, while highlighting the use of controlled substance as an unprecedented tool.

© Ian T. Sebàs 2023

Pearl, originally a soft cover children’s book (ISBN: 978-0-9559662-1-7) before republished as an eBook (Amazon Kindle) moves to come alive as an animated short children’s film (cartoon).
My Only Hope With Panic Attack (Kindle Edition), An Ian T. Sebàs book, is scheduled to be published January 2023. This book will take you on a journey of warning signs, which led to panic attacks, a turmoil endurance and methods implemented to curtail the conditions.
Available on Kindle

Men are dogs and women are bitches.


Revelation of biological truths behind serial cheating, polygamous craving, natural rejection of monogamy, male with female tendencies, female with male tendencies, heterosexuals, gays and lesbians.

Author: Ian T. Sebàs

Genre: nonfiction / social studies

Format: Kindle / Ebook