Posts Tagged ‘debt’

Born unwanted, my child, William A. Sum
Who torments my life by straining my income
Nicknamed, Bill: the world’s most hated child
Sometimes I just wish that Bill would leave me for awhile

‘Forever’ would be best, but no one wants to adopt him
Bill: Is he my child, a plague or a burden for my sins?
Why won’t Bill just grow up and leave me alone?
He strains my pocket so much, til I ache and moan

No matter how hard I try, Bill won’t set me free
Selfishly, he demands support and blocks hearing my plea
Bill: an unwanted son, companion and friend
‘Damn you, Bill, for my financial problems!’

I am tired, stressed and out of options
Bitter that no one will file for his adoption
My other dependants have left, but to Bill I remain a slave
And I am sure he’ll demand my last dollar when it’s time to dig my grave.
© Ian T. Sebàs 2011