Posts Tagged ‘affair’

The best memories of us were when we first met
“Awww, the blissful years, the ones with no regrets
When I shaved and prepped in seductive perfume
A sure-shot lure to intimacy as you stepped in the room!”

It was a time when you wore matching underwear
Knowing that when you undressed, I’d lick my lips and stare
Now they are mismatched; our styles, a disgrace
As I grew a beer belly and scruffy hairs on my face

I remember we use to kiss goodnight and woke up spooning
But those vanished with the decline of our style and grooming
We began going to bed, often times, separate
Those lonely nights I stayed awake made me desperate
And that’s what led me to really start seeing her
Now, I wait for you to fall asleep, so I can cheat after
She takes my mind away from our ugly truth
And displays sexiness, the kind I’d hate to mute

I often fantasized of me and you sharing her
But I doubt you’d be interested in a ménage à trois
She likes it when she plays and I attentively watch
Also, when I touch her front and check her out from the back

A remote control in my hand is her biggest turn-on
A kinky fetish she developed in the country she was born
That, plus me sitting or lying on the sofa
She loves spontaneous attention too, and hates a steady rota
Handsome young black man watching tv at home.
When she is turned on, her signature tattoo glows
She shines so bright and screams so loud, I wonder if my neighbor knows
She’s sexy, sleek and knows just how to entertain
I’ll never leave her, even if my neighbors complain

She’s open to me being a married, black man
But I never thought I’d cheat and fall for a Korean
Our interracial affair has shown me things, I never thought I’d see
So, while you, my wife, goes to sleep, I cheat with the Samsung TV
© Ian T. Sebàs 2017

© Ian T. Sebàs

© Ian T. Sebàs

My Uncle and Aunt’s relationship has hit its biggest turbulence after 32 years of being married. And who would have thought that any crack of their union would be by the cause of their very own off-springs; yep, their two daughters, my cousins, who have legally been adults for the last six years.
After becoming adults, they wasted no time in becoming mothers either. My Aunt and Uncle welcomed the first two grandchildren with open arms and glee, but considering that my Aunt and Uncle are 48 and 50 years old respectively, my Uncle being the eldest, I understood his dissatisfaction when it was revealed to me.

Dissatisfaction I may understand, but extramarital indiscretions is another ball game that I have no qualifications to rule on.

My Uncle is having an affair.

Apparently after the third and fourth grandchildren were born, despite possessing the same level of happiness to see the extension of their family, my Aunt and Uncle were affected differently. While my Uncle believed that he should continue living his life as usual with my Aunt, in love, romance, sex, date nights, designer clothes, concerts and the gym, my Aunt’s embrace of being a grandmother was totally different.

Since becoming a grandmother, she does not have the slightest concern, any more, about keeping up sexual attractive appearances, instead she opted for a full makeover and wardrobe change, trading in all of her high heels to flats and her dresses and jeans to frocks. She also treats the slightest aches of her body as life threatening ailments, which are usually remedied with an aspirin, and her entire personality seemed to have transformed overnight.
My Uncle made it clear too, that there is no action going on in the bedroom.

He use to make sexual initiations, but got turned off by the ‘granny excuses’ and her newly bedroom attire which he describes as flowery and hospital-like.

According to my Uncle, he is still too young to hurry on old age and its symptoms, he wishes to exhaust his youthfulness to its fullest, and whenever old age comes knocking on his door, he will gracefully open the door, welcome old age and its symptoms, but not now, not today, not while the energy of his youth still lingers in his mind, body and soul.

And it was because of this, the turbulence began.

It initially started with his solo excess watching of porn, in the privacy of their home, obviously while grandma was at the park with the grandchildren or whenever she receives any new ordered books about embroidery and knitting; my Uncle says, “Those will keep her pre-occupied for hours; the house could be on fire and she would not realize!”

But the substitution of watching porn weren’t sufficient, and the need of wanting more, caused my Uncle to take an unimaginable leap, which created the real quake after 32 years.

Her name is Nikki-Ann, 34 years old, sexy as hell, whom he met online. Without going into too much details, my Uncle says that Nikki-Ann knows the deal.
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He seems happy whenever he tells me about the hot steamy sex and laughter shared with his new found pleasure mate, but then he seems confused whenever he speak about the love which he still possess for my Aunt; I think more than anything, he treasures their history.

And even though I did sense a tinge of guilt from our conversation, it was quickly masked with more erotic and excited tales about him and Nikki-Ann.

I was relieved that he did not ask me what do I think of his actions, because I honestly would not know how to answer a question like that, but it did make me think, it did make me wonder and it did make me worry about my own relationship; see, I admired what my Aunt and Uncle shared, well, what appeared to have been a perfect union of flawless bliss and everlasting love.

To realize that there are actually cracks in that perfect picture, did send a stroke of apprehensive fear to my stomach as I wondered and hoped that my union surpasses future obstacles and temptations, allowing my partner and I to create a history of a flawless love relationship, which we shall proudly and gracefully surrender to one day as we grow old, without any turbulence like Nikki-Ann.