Posts Tagged ‘film’

Elternabend The Movie has reached midway its production process and is due to be released early 2018.

This independent, non-profit documentary aims to highlight the events surrounding the 2-year legal battle, which was stemmed from charges of an alleged PTA-meeting absence and resulted in a family’s triumph, after narrowly escaping penalties of fines and incarceration.

The event made national news in Switzerland and some parts of Germany in September 2016.

An open invitation is now being offered to the general public, worldwide, especially to parents of school-attending children and grandchildren, to share their valued views on education, its institutions and infrastructures.

To participate, would be to substantiate the content of this documentary, and requires the volunteered participant(s) to submit a video message, sharing their opinion on the following three (3) questions.

1. How important is education to children?
2. How important are PTA Meetings?
3. How do you feel about a law which subject parents to fines or incarceration for being absent from a PTA Meeting?
*The submitted video must not exceed one minute. The video, if shot with a mobile phone, must be of a horizontal angle. **Please be aware that your footage will be published publicly (Youtube, NetFlix etc.) and that you will receive no royalty for your participation.** Footage can be emailed to THANK YOU!

© Ian T. Sebàs

Jaetho Production is an independent film production company, subsidiary of Sebastian Books, and producer of online videos, TV adverts, book trailers, documentaries and short films.

Founded by Author Ian T. Sebàs and Illustrator Tina Sebàs on October 6, 2015, Jaetho Production was officially launched in the Fall of 2016, in Zürich, Switzerland.

Marked by its black and white silhouette logo and slogan, “Reel Life”, Jaetho Production is also the sister-company of AngelSaint, which was also founded by the Sebàs duo. 

The imprint, AngelSaint, with its motto “Working With Wings” have always represented the combination of art and literature produced by the two, and have recently added motion pictures to its activities, with the affiliation of Jaetho Production.

The Sebastian family, who are of Jamaican heritage and lives in Switzerland, were not the first parents to be charged for an absence at a Parents-Teachers Meeting, in the European Country, but they are certainly the first to challenge such a charge, took it the the high courts and made national headlines.

After meeting with the School Board, in May of 2014, regarding prejudicial treatments towards their school-attending son, the conversations heated with resentments, from both sides, as the Sebastians threatened to report the matter to school officials of Canton Zürich, if the practice continued.

But despite the smiles and handshakes exchanged at the meeting’s end, it was far from being civil, and shortly afterwards the Sebastian family was served with a fine for not attending a PTA meeting.

The family denied the allegation and refused to pay, and the matter was instantly forwarded to the police as being criminal.

“In Switzerland, it is against the law for parents to be absent from PTA meetings, which are deemed obligatory.” – Ian T. Sebàs

The Sebastians continued to remain steadfast in their stance of denying the claim and refusing to pay as the case worked its way up on the Swiss legal ladder, and after being found guilty twice by the local Governorship of Bülach in Stadt Zürich, with an order of an increased fine for more than two thousand Swiss Francs or face less than a week in jail, the parents appealed to the District Court of Bülach.

And on September 5, 2016 a District Court Judge found no substantial evidence to support the charges, and immediately dismissed the case, which made several headlines and created conflicting opinions among Swiss residents.

The case which has attracted a widespread audience outside of Switzerland is being deemed as “interesting”, but because the reports are mainly in the German language (Schweizerdeutsch), which is spoken locally in Zürich, information remains sketchy, and for this reason and more, the family have agreed to make a documentary film titled, Elternabend The Movie, with English narration and various available subtitles.

“The purpose of the film is to highlight cultural and legal differences, educate parents as well as schools on the importance of parents-teachers relationships, PTA meetings, the laws, if any, which might govern them, potential penalties for failing to appear and likewise penalties for school authorities who, abuses their powers; the beauty of law is that it is equally binding.” – The Sebastian Family


© Ian T. Sebàs 2016



Visit the website and learn more about Elternabend The Movie.


For the longest while, U.S. nationals carried the torch for “most admired tourists”, wherever they went in the world, and that credit must be given to US production of motion pictures and music.

Before most of the other world citizens ever met an American, they had already seen an American film or heard an American song, the two elements which bred the first waves of published foreign accents in entertainment. And by the time a national from the USA, was actually met, despite he or she being a regular Ol’ Joe, they would receive admiration as if they were actual stars.

Their accents worked like a key to any city which they visited, outside of the USA, and why not, after all, they sound just like the people on the silver screen, which were somehow deemed special and intelligent and equaled to being rich and famous.

As shown in films, apparently, the USA did everything big; big houses, big streets, big cars, big businesses and its citizens were above anything small or mediocre.
The Americans knowing this fact, abused every opportunity to showcase their accents, while outside of the US, and talked unnecessarily, just to be heard. And for a while it was profitable to them, but as time and economies changed, creating cheaper flights and an expansion in global travels, that chattering eventually took on a spotlight of being the noise of loud, obnoxious, over-actors showing off, which have caused the flame of their long-carried torch to reduce down to a flicker.

Following the lead of the USA, many other countries made image development a priority, and by the late 1990s, many countries were looking just like the USA and some, even better.

The USA, who still held its power of admiration, began to fall from grace at the beginning of the 21st century, when it was on the verge of going to war with itself; US citizens roared in resentment of its leader and the declination of the US economy, threats flared, and for the first time, the rest of the world watched the USA, in mode of a daytime TV drama, pointing fingers at each other as its apparent United States began to show cracks.
Like in any family feud, a pleasant distraction will cause its members to instantaneously forget that moments before they were enemies about to cut each other’s throats; that is known as psychology of human behavior.

Barack Obama was that curve-ball, the water on the fire, the gold ring in the cracker jack box, the almighty pleasant distraction; it was indisputably genius.

A black man appeared in the race to the US Presidential Office made feuding Americans confused, perplexed their mindsets and calmed their violent spirits as Hope reigned over them with her promising power of change.

Obama’s mere presence in the race to the White House was change; it was historic, enough to silence noises of war and to dilute rages over the US shriveling economy.
Barack Obama
And the more momentum gained by Barack Obama, the more forgetful Americans became of their economic ruins; Hope was on the rise and a black man was looking more and more likely to become US President.

Hope prevailed and Barack Hussein Obama eventually became the 44th President of the United States of America, a guarantor for cooling tempers of the American people.

Barack Obama was a sign of hope; maybe a good sign for US Citizens and black countries around the world, but for ambitious, black expats, who were living in other countries of racially mixed population, the treatment they received simply said “Barack Obama Is A Bad Example”.

The countries, who upgraded their images by following the US lead, were simply behaving as it is expected for humans to behave when an achieved greatness is witnessed; we either envy or become motivated.

And for many Blacks, Barack Obama’s presidential status, was the greatest motivation.
Globally, Blacks knew that as much as Whites did, and although I don’t much about his presidency in the USA and its effects on Black Americans, I do know that elsewhere, doors of opportunities for Blacks in white countries began to shut tighter than they were before because the last thing some of these places want to see, is another Barack Obama born out of motivation.

© Ian T. Sebàs 2016

All black aside. “Did I hear correctly; I mean seriously, did Leonardo DiCaprio just won his first Academy Award?”

If that news is accurate, then I have only one question. “Who the hell have they been giving these awards to?”

I am a movie buff and self-acclaimed actor’s critic. And now that the black and white issue surrounding the Oscar Awards has been mowed over somewhat, this new information has given my pen reasons to bleed again.
Chris Rock
Chris Rock showed up at the gig and did his job, despite the masses who wanted him to bail out. He presented himself with comedy as we expected, but slyly, Chris attended as a black messenger, making it clear that all we (Blacks) want is equal acting “opportunities” and nothing more.

The almost full-house of white attendees weren’t sure if they should or could laugh at some of Chris’ comedic truths as he skillfully touched delicate yet honest subjects, but eventually the air was cleared about the issue of racism and the show commenced.

I didn’t personally watch the show, but waking up, the next day, to learn that “The Lion”/Leo (Leonardo DiCaprio) had only received his first Academy Award, offended me as equally as the delayed Idris Elba acknowledgement for his role in Beast of no Nation did.
“Leonardo is the man!” How dare it took so long to acknowledge real art and real skill. “Were these people blind to his role in Blood Diamond?”

He is a strong and convincing actor.

Mr. DiCaprio has long earned my respect, to the point where I have watched films without caring about its synopsis, but simply because it is starred Leonard DiCaprio.
His roles in J. Edgar and as undercover cop, Billy Costigan, in The Departed were just amazing and moving.

In giving him credits, I don’t even need to acknowledge him in the renowned Titanic nor in Catch Me If You Can or in my favorite, The Basketball Diaries.

Shutter Island and Inception. “Do I really need to described his acting strength in those films?”

Okay, so he wasn’t great in every film, ie. Django and The Beach, but all the greats have had their down times; not giving Leonardo DiCaprio an Academy Award before 2016 is like not giving Michael Jordan a Championship ring.

Dear Academy Awards Personnel,

Get it together.


IanT. Sebàs